
Gifts of Life Community Fellowship is a place to fellowship with like-minded believers in collective praise, collective thought and collective unity through the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus, the Christ.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Update for Passers-by

Well, so much has happened in over a year.

This former "congregational leader" has accepted the call to preach and is now a minister on the roster at the Family Church International in Pasadena, CA.

And, in obedience to my pastor I have begun an online/emailed bible study which I pray will be the beginnings of what has been foreseen to be a church with me as pastor.

For more information on my journey see: destinationreflection.blogspot.com
For more information regarding the existing ministry and organization see: destinationchristianservices.net
For more information about booking me as a speaker and/or scheduled speaking events see: getliferightnow.com
For the GetLifeRightNow congregational fellowship site see: getliferightnow.ning.com
For the GetLifeRightNow online church web site see: getliferightnow.blogspot.com

All further sermons can be found at getliferightnow.blogspot.com until further notice.

His Love & Your Blessings
~Minister Dez